今天是聖誕節,祝每個人聖誕快樂。這首歌雖然也和聖誕節有關,但聽來卻格外悲傷,戰爭是可怕的,"An eye for an eye  will mike us all blind."希望有那麼一天,戰爭終將消失,世界上每個角落的大人小孩,都能享有最基本的平安喜樂,祝福大家。War is over, if you want it!

Happy Xmas
  詞:Yoko Ono&John Lennon 曲:Yoko Ono&John Lennon
So this is Xmas           
And what have you done
Another year over       
And a new one just begun
And so this is Xmas      
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one   
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas      
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one    
Without any fear
And so this is Xmas            
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones  
The world is so wrong
And so happy Xmas            
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones     
Let's stop all the fight

A very Merry Xmas             
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one   
Without any fear
And so this is Xmas       
And what have we done
Another year over         
A new one just begun
And so happy Xmas     
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one   
The old and the young
A very Merry Xmas               
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one     
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it   
War is over now


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